Privacy Policy Mentalport

Preamble and scope
With the following data protection declaration, we would like to inform you about the types of yourpersonal data (hereinafter also referred to as "data") that we process, for what purposes and towhat extent. The data protection declaration applies to all processing of personal data carried outby us, both as part of the provision of our services and in particular on our websites, in mobileapplications and within external online presences, such as our social media profiles (hereinaftercollectively referred to as "online offer").

The terms used are not gender-specific.
Preamble and scope
With the following data protection declaration, we would like to inform you about the typesof your personal data (hereinafter also referred to as "data") that we process, for whatpurposes and to what extent. The data protection declaration applies to all processing ofpersonal data carried out by us, both in the context of the provision of our services and inparticular on our websites, in mobile applications and within external online presences, suchas our social media profiles (hereinafter collectively referred to as "online offer").

The terms used are not gender-specific. Status: 5 July 2021
Ida-Dehmel-Ring 91
68309 Mannheim

E-mail address:
Overview of the processing
The following overview summarises the types of data processed and the purposes of theirprocessing and refers to the data subjects.
Types of data processed
Categories of persons concerned
Purposes of the processing
Below you will find an overview of the legal basis of the GDPR on the basis of which we process personal data. Please note that in addition to the provisions of the GDPR, national data protection regulations may apply in your or our country of residence or domicile. Should more specific legal bases be relevant in individual cases, we will inform you of these in the data protection declaration.
National data protection regulations in Germany: In addition to the data protection regulations of the General Data Protection Regulation, national regulations on data protection apply in Germany. These include, in particular, the Act on Protection against Misuse of Personal Data in Data Processing (Federal Data Protection Act - BDSG). In particular, the BDSG contains special regulations on the right to information, the right to erasure, the right to object, the processing of special categories of personal data, the processing for other purposes and the transmission and automated decision-making in individual cases, including profiling. Furthermore, it regulates data processing for purposes of the employment relationship (Section 26 BDSG), in particular with regard to the establishment, implementation or termination of employment relationships as well as the consent of employees. Furthermore, data protection laws of the individual federal states may apply.
Security measures
We take appropriate technical and organisational measures to ensure a level of protection appropriate to the risk in accordance with the legal requirements, taking into account the state of the art, the implementation costs and the nature, scope, circumstances and purposes of the processing as well as the different probabilities of occurrence and the extent of the threat to the rights and freedoms of natural persons.
The measures include, in particular, ensuring the confidentiality, integrity and availability of data by controlling physical and electronic access to the data, as well as access to, entry into, disclosure of, assurance of availability of and segregation of the data. We also have procedures in place to ensure the exercise of data subjects' rights, the deletion of data and responses to data compromise. Furthermore, we already take the protection of personal data into account in the development or selection of hardware, software and procedures in accordance with the principle of data protection, through technology design and through data protection-friendly default settings.
Shortening of the IP address: If IP addresses are processed by us or by the service providers and technologies used and the processing of a complete IP address is not necessary, the IP address is shortened (also referred to as "IP masking"). In this process, the last two digits or the last part of the IP address after a full stop are removed or replaced by wildcards. The shortening of the IP address is intended to prevent or make it considerably more difficult to identify a person by their IP address.
SSL encryption (https): In order to protect your data transmitted via our online offer, we use SSL encryption. You can recognise such encrypted connections by the prefix https:// in the address line of your browser.
Transmission of personal data
In the course of our processing of personal data, the data may be transferred to or disclosed to other bodies, companies, legally independent organisational units or persons. The recipients of this data may include, for example, service providers commissioned with IT tasks or providers of services and content that are integrated into a website. In such cases, we observe the legal requirements and, in particular, conclude corresponding contracts or agreements that serve to protect your data with the recipients of your data.
Data processing in third countries
If we process data in a third country (i.e., outside the European Union (EU), the European Economic Area (EEA)) or the processing takes place in the context of the use of third-party services or the disclosure or transfer of data to other persons, bodies or companies, this is only done in accordance with the legal requirements.
Subject to express consent or contractually or legally required transfer, we only process or allow data to be processed in third countries with a recognised level of data protection, contractual obligation through so-called standard protection clauses of the EU Commission, in the presence of certifications or binding internal data protection regulations (Art. 44 to 49 DSGVO, information page of the EU Commission:
Data deletion
The data processed by us will be deleted in accordance with the legal requirements as soon as their consents permitted for processing are revoked or other permissions cease to apply (e.g. if the purpose of processing this data has ceased to apply or it is not required for the purpose).
If the data are not deleted because they are required for other and legally permissible purposes, their processing is limited to these purposes. I.e. the data is blocked and not processed for other purposes. This applies, for example, to data that must be retained for reasons of commercial or tax law or whose storage is necessary for the assertion, exercise or defence of legal claims or for the protection of the rights of another natural or legal person.
Our privacy notices may also contain further information on the retention and deletion of data, which will take precedence for the respective processing operations.
Use of cookies
Cookies are text files that contain data from visited websites or domains and are stored by a browser on the user's computer. A cookie is primarily used to store information about a user during or after their visit within an online offering. Stored information may include, for example, language settings on a website, login status, a shopping cart or where a video was watched. The term cookies also includes other technologies that perform the same functions as cookies (e.g. when user details are stored using pseudonymous online identifiers, also known as "user IDs").

The following cookie types and functions are distinguished:
Notes on legal bases: The legal basis on which we process your personal data using cookies depends on whether we ask you for consent. If this is the case and you consent to the use of cookies, the legal basis for processing your data is your declared consent. Otherwise, the data processed with the help of cookies is processed on the basis of our legitimate interests (e.g. in the business operation of our online offer and its improvement) or, if the use of cookies is necessary to fulfil our contractual obligations.

Storage period: If we do not provide you with explicit information on the storage period of permanent cookies (e.g. in the context of a so-called cookie opt-in), please assume that the storage period can be up to two years.

General information on revocation and objection (opt-out): Depending on whether the processing is based on consent or legal permission, you have the option at any time to revoke any consent you have given or to object to the processing of your data by cookie technologies (collectively referred to as "opt-out"). You can initially declare your objection by means of your browser settings, e.g. by deactivating the use of cookies (whereby this may also restrict the functionality of our online offer). An objection to the use of cookies for online marketing purposes can also be declared by means of a variety of services, especially in the case of tracking, via the and websites. In addition, you can obtain further instructions on how to object within the scope of the information on the service providers and cookies used.

Processing of cookie data on the basis of consent: We use a cookie consent management procedure in which the consent of users to the use of cookies, or to the processing and providers mentioned in the cookie consent management procedure, can be obtained and managed and revoked by users. The declaration of consent is stored in order not to have to repeat the request and to be able to prove the consent in accordance with the legal obligation. The storage can take place on the server side and/or in a cookie (so-called opt-in cookie or with the help of comparable technologies) in order to be able to assign the consent to a user or their device. Subject to individual information on the providers of cookie management services, the following information applies: The duration of the storage of consent can be up to two years. A pseudonymous user identifier is created and stored with the time of consent, information on the scope of consent (e.g. which categories of cookies and/or service providers) and the browser, system and end device used.
Provision of the online offer and web hosting
In order to provide our online offer securely and efficiently, we use the services of one or more web hosting providers from whose servers (or servers managed by them) the online offer can be accessed. For these purposes, we may use infrastructure and platform services, computing capacity, storage space and database services as well as security services and technical maintenance services.
The data processed as part of the provision of the hosting offer may include all information relating to the users of our online offer that is generated as part of the use and communication. This regularly includes the IP address, which is necessary to be able to deliver the contents of online offers to browsers, and all entries made within our online offer or from websites.
Collection of access data and log files: We ourselves (or our web hosting provider) collect data on every access to the server (so-called server log files). The server log files may include the address and name of the web pages and files accessed, the date and time of the access, the amount of data transferred, notification of successful access, browser type and version, the user's operating system, referrer URL (the previously visited page) and, as a rule, IP addresses and the requesting provider.
The server log files can be used on the one hand for security purposes, e.g. to avoid overloading the servers (especially in the case of abusive attacks, so-called DDoS attacks) and on the other hand to ensure the utilisation of the servers and their stability.
Services used and service providers:
Registration, login and user account
Users can create a user account. As part of the registration process, users are provided with the required mandatory information and this information is processed for the purpose of providing the user account on the basis of contractual obligation fulfilment. The processed data includes in particular the login information (user name, password and an e-mail address).
Within the scope of the use of our registration and login functions as well as the use of the user account, we store the IP address and the time of the respective user action. The storage is based on our legitimate interests as well as those of the users in protection against misuse and other unauthorised use. As a matter of principle, this data is not passed on to third parties unless it is necessary to pursue our claims or there is a legal obligation to do so.
Users can be informed by e-mail about processes that are relevant to their user account, such as technical changes.
Two-factor authentication: Two-factor authentication provides an additional layer of security for your user account and ensures that only you can access your account, even if someone else knows your password. For this purpose, you will need to perform another authentication measure in addition to your password (e.g. enter a code sent to a mobile device). We will inform you about the procedure we use.
Deletion of data after termination: If users have terminated their user account, their data with regard to the user account will be deleted, subject to any legal permission, obligation or consent of the users.It is the responsibility of the users to save their data before the end of the contract in the event of termination. We are entitled to irretrievably delete all user data stored during the term of the contract.
When contacting us (e.g. via contact form, email, telephone or via social media), the information of the inquiring persons is processed insofar as this is necessary to answer the contact requests and any requested measures.
The response to contact requests in the context of contractual or pre-contractual relationships is made in order to fulfil our contractual obligations or to respond to (pre)contractual requests and otherwise on the basis of the legitimate interests in responding to the requests.
Contact is established via Hubspot (CRM/service). You can object to this at any time by clicking at the end of the email.
Newsletter and electronic notifications
We send newsletters, e-mails and other electronic notifications (hereinafter "newsletter") only with the consent of the recipients or a legal permission. Insofar as the contents of the newsletter are specifically described in the course of registration, they are decisive for the consent of the users. Otherwise, our newsletters contain information about our services and us.
To subscribe to our newsletters, it is generally sufficient to provide your e-mail address. However, we may ask you to provide a name for the purpose of a personal address in the newsletter, or further details if these are required for the purposes of the newsletter.
Double opt-in procedure: Registration for our newsletter is always carried out in a so-called double opt-in process. This means that after registration you will receive an e-mail asking you to confirm your registration. This confirmation is necessary so that no one can register with other people's e-mail addresses. The registrations for the newsletter are logged in order to be able to prove the registration process in accordance with the legal requirements. This includes the storage of the registration and confirmation time as well as the IP address. Changes to your data stored with the dispatch service provider are also logged.
Deletion and restriction of processing: We may store unsubscribed email addresses for up to three years on the basis of our legitimate interests before deleting them in order to be able to prove consent formerly given. The processing of this data will be limited to the purpose of a possible defence against claims. An individual request for deletion is possible at any time, provided that the former existence of consent is confirmed at the same time. In the case of obligations to permanently observe objections, we reserve the right to store the email address in a block list (so-called "block list") for this purpose alone.The logging of the registration process is carried out on the basis of our legitimate interests for the purpose of proving that it has been carried out properly. If we commission a service provider to send e-mails, this is done on the basis of our legitimate interests in an efficient and secure sending system.
Notes on legal basis: The newsletter is sent on the basis of the recipients' consent or, if consent is not required, on the basis of our legitimate interests in direct marketing, if and to the extent that this is permitted by law, e.g. in the case of existing customer advertising. Insofar as we commission a service provider to send e-mails, this is done on the basis of our legitimate interests. The registration process is recorded on the basis of our legitimate interests in order to prove that it was carried out in accordance with the law.Contents: Information about us, our services, campaigns and offers.
Condition for the use of free services: Consent to the sending of mailings may be made conditional as a prerequisite for the use of free services (e.g. access to certain content or participation in certain promotions). If users wish to take advantage of the free service without subscribing to the newsletter, please contact us.
Services used and service providers:
Promotional communication via e-mail, post, fax or telephone
We process personal data for the purposes of promotional communication, which may take place via various channels, such as e-mail, telephone, post or fax, in accordance with legal requirements.
Recipients have the right to revoke consent given at any time or to object to promotional communication at any time.
After revocation or objection, we may store the data required to prove consent for up to three years on the basis of our legitimate interests before deleting it. The processing of this data is limited to the purpose of a possible defence against claims. An individual deletion request is possible at any time, provided that the former existence of consent is confirmed at the same time.
Surveys and polls
The surveys and questionnaires we conduct (hereinafter "surveys") are evaluated anonymously. Personal data is only processed insofar as this is necessary for the provision and technical implementation of the surveys (e.g. processing of the IP address in order to display the survey in the user's browser or to enable a resumption of the survey with the help of a temporary cookie (session cookie)) or users have consented to this.
Notes on legal bases: If we ask participants for consent to process their data, this is the legal basis for the processing, otherwise the processing of participants' data is based on our legitimate interests in conducting an objective survey.
Also use of Mailchimp Forms.
Web analysis, monitoring and optimisation
Web analytics (also referred to as "reach measurement") is used to evaluate the flow of visitors to our online offering and may include behaviour, interests or demographic information about visitors, such as age or gender, as pseudonymous values. With the help of the reach analysis, we can, for example, recognise at what time our online offer or its functions or content are most frequently used or invite re-use. Likewise, we can understand which areas need optimisation.
In addition to web analysis, we may also use testing procedures, e.g. to test and optimise different versions of our online offer or its components.
For these purposes, so-called user profiles may be created and stored in a file (so-called "cookie") or similar procedures may be used with the same purpose. This information may include, for example, content viewed, websites visited and elements used there and technical information such as the browser used, the computer system used and information on usage times. If users have consented to the collection of their location data, this may also be processed, depending on the provider.
The IP addresses of the users are also stored. However, we use an IP masking procedure (i.e. pseudonymisation by shortening the IP address) to protect users. In general, no clear user data (such as e-mail addresses or names) is stored in the context of web analysis, A/B testing and optimisation, but pseudonyms. This means that we as well as the providers of the software used do not know the actual identity of the users, but only the information stored in their profiles for the purpose of the respective procedures.
Notes on legal bases: Where we ask users for their consent to use third-party providers, the legal basis for processing data is consent. Otherwise, users' data is processed on the basis of our legitimate interests (i.e. interest in efficient, economical and recipient-friendly services). In this context, we would also like to refer you to the information on the use of cookies in this privacy policy.
Services used and service providers:
Online marketing
We process personal data for online marketing purposes, which may include, in particular, marketing advertising space or displaying promotional and other content (collectively, "content") based on users' potential interests and measuring its effectiveness.
For these purposes, so-called user profiles are created and stored in a file (so-called "cookie") or similar procedures are used, by means of which information about the user relevant to the presentation of the aforementioned content is stored. This information may include, for example, content viewed, websites visited, online networks used, but also communication partners and technical information such as the browser used, the computer system used and information on usage times. If users have consented to the collection of their location data, this may also be processed.
The IP addresses of the users are also stored. However, we use available IP masking procedures (i.e. pseudonymisation by shortening the IP address) to protect users. In general, no clear user data (such as e-mail addresses or names) is stored within the scope of the online marketing process, but pseudonyms. This means that we as well as the providers of the online marketing procedures do not know the actual identity of the users, but only the information stored in their profiles.
The information in the profiles is usually stored in the cookies or by means of similar procedures. These cookies can later generally also be read on other websites that use the same online marketing procedure and analysed for the purpose of displaying content as well as supplemented with further data and stored on the server of the online marketing procedure provider.
Exceptionally, clear data may be associated with the profiles. This is the case if, for example, the users are members of a social network whose online marketing procedures we use and the network links the users' profiles with the aforementioned data. We ask you to note that users can make additional agreements with the providers, e.g. by giving their consent as part of the registration process.
In principle, we only receive access to summarised information about the success of our advertisements. However, in the context of so-called conversion measurements, we can check which of our online marketing methods have led to a so-called conversion, i.e., for example, to a contract being concluded with us. The conversion measurement is used solely to analyse the success of our marketing measures.
Unless otherwise stated, we ask you to assume that cookies used will be stored for a period of two years.
Notes on legal bases: Where we ask users for their consent to use third-party providers, the legal basis for processing data is consent. Otherwise, users' data is processed on the basis of our legitimate interests (i.e. interest in efficient, economical and recipient-friendly services). In this context, we would also like to refer you to the information on the use of cookies in this privacy policy.
Services used and service providers:
Rating platforms
We participate in rating procedures in order to evaluate, optimise and promote our services. If users rate us or otherwise provide feedback via the participating rating platforms or procedures, the General Terms and Conditions of Business or Use and the data protection information of the providers also apply. As a rule, the evaluation also requires registration with the respective providers.
In order to ensure that the persons rating have actually used our services, we transmit, with the consent of the customers, the data required for this with regard to the customer and the service used to the respective rating platform (including name, e-mail address and order number or item number). This data is used solely to verify the authenticity of the user.
Rating widget: We integrate so-called "rating widgets" into our online offer. A widget is a functional and content element integrated into our online offer that displays variable information. It can be displayed, for example, in the form of a seal or comparable element, sometimes also called a "badge". In this case, the corresponding content of the widget is displayed within our online offer, but it is retrieved at that moment from the servers of the respective widget provider. This is the only way to always show the current content, especially the current rating. For this purpose, a data connection must be established from the website called up within our online offer to the server of the widget provider and the widget provider receives certain technical data (access data, including IP address), which are necessary so that the content of the widget can be delivered to the user's browser.
Furthermore, the widget provider receives information that users have visited our online offer. This information may be stored in a cookie and used by the widget provider to identify which online services participating in the evaluation process have been visited by the user. The information may be stored in a user profile and used for advertising or market research purposes.
Services used and service providers:
Presence in social networks (social media)
We maintain online presences within social networks and process user data in this context in order to communicate with users active there or to offer information about us.We would like to point out that user data may be processed outside the European Union. This may result in risks for the users because, for example, it could make it more difficult to enforce the rights of the users.
Furthermore, user data within social networks is usually processed for market research and advertising purposes. For example, usage profiles can be created based on the usage behaviour and resulting interests of the users. The usage profiles can in turn be used, for example, to place advertisements within and outside the networks that presumably correspond to the interests of the users. For these purposes, cookies are usually stored on the users' computers, in which the usage behaviour and the interests of the users are stored. Furthermore, data independent of the devices used by the users may also be stored in the usage profiles (especially if the users are members of the respective platforms and are logged in to them).
For a detailed presentation of the respective forms of processing and the options to object (opt-out), we refer to the data protection declarations and information provided by the operators of the respective networks.
In the case of requests for information and the assertion of data subject rights, we would also like to point out that these can be asserted most effectively with the providers. Only the providers have access to the users' data and can take appropriate measures and provide information directly. If you still need help, you can contact us.
Facebook: We are jointly responsible with Facebook Ireland Ltd for collecting (but not further processing) data from visitors to our Facebook page (known as a "Fan Page"). This data includes information about the types of content users view or interact with, or the actions they take (see under "Things You and Others Do and Provide" in the Facebook Data Policy:, as well as information about the devices users use (e.g. IP addresses, operating system, browser type, language settings, cookie data; see under "Device Information" in the Facebook Data Policy Statement: As explained in the Facebook Privacy Policy under "How do we use this information?", Facebook also collects and uses information to provide analytics services called "Page Insights" to Page operators to provide them with insights into how people interact with their Pages and the content associated with them. We have entered into a special agreement with Facebook ("Page Insights Information",, which in particular regulates which security measures Facebook must observe and in which Facebook has agreed to fulfil the data subject rights (i.e. users can, for example, send information or deletion requests directly to Facebook). The rights of users (in particular to information, deletion, objection and complaint to the competent supervisory authority) are not restricted by the agreements with Facebook. Further information can be found in the "Information on Page Insights" (
Services used and service providers:
Plugins and embedded functions and content
We integrate functional and content elements into our online offer that are obtained from the servers of their respective providers (hereinafter referred to as "third-party providers"). These can be, for example, graphics, videos or city maps (hereinafter uniformly referred to as "content").
The integration always requires that the third-party providers of this content process the IP address of the user, as without the IP address they would not be able to send the content to their browser. The IP address is thus required for the display of this content or function. We endeavour to only use content whose respective providers only use the IP address to deliver the content. Third-party providers may also use so-called pixel tags (invisible graphics, also known as "web beacons") for statistical or marketing purposes. The "pixel tags" can be used to analyse information such as visitor traffic on the pages of this website. The pseudonymous information may also be stored in cookies on the user's device and may contain, among other things, technical information about the browser and operating system, referring websites, time of visit and other information about the use of our online offering, as well as being linked to such information from other sources.
Notes on legal bases: Where we ask users for their consent to use third-party providers, the legal basis for processing data is consent. Otherwise, users' data is processed on the basis of our legitimate interests (i.e. interest in efficient, economic and recipient-friendly services). In this context, we would also like to refer you to the information on the use of cookies in this privacy policy.
Services used and service providers:
Amendment and update of the privacy policy
We ask you to regularly inform yourself about the content of our data protection declaration. We adapt the data protection declaration as soon as the changes in the data processing carried out by us make this necessary. We will inform you as soon as the changes require an act of cooperation on your part (e.g. consent) or other individual notification.
Where we provide addresses and contact details of companies and organisations in this privacy statement, please note that the addresses may change over time and please check the details before contacting us.
Rights of the data subjects
As a data subject, you are entitled to various rights under the GDPR, which arise in particular from Art. 15 to 21 GDPR:

Mentalport privacy policy

Status: September 18th 2023
Table of contents
Person responsible
Mentalport GmbH
Trippstadter Straße 110
67663 Kaiserslautern

Datenschutzrechtlich Verantwortlicher: Tim Kleber


Relevant legal bases
Relevant legal bases according to the GDPR: Below you will find an overview of the legal bases of the GDPR on the basis of which we process personal data. Please note that in addition to the provisions of the GDPR, national data protection regulations may apply in your or our country of residence or domicile. Should more specific legal bases also apply in individual cases, we will inform you of these in the privacy policy.
National data protection regulations in Germany: In addition to the data protection regulations of the GDPR, national data protection regulations apply in Germany. These include, in particular, the Act on the Protection against Misuse of Personal Data in Data Processing (Federal Data Protection Act - BDSG). In particular, the BDSG contains special regulations on the right to information, the right to erasure, the right to object, the processing of special categories of personal data, processing for other purposes and transmission as well as automated decision-making in individual cases, including profiling. Furthermore, the national data protection laws of the individual federal states may apply.

Note on the validity of the DSGVO and Swiss DSG:
This data protection notice serves to provide information in accordance with both the Swiss Federal Act on Data Protection (Swiss DSG) and the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR). For this reason, please note that the terms of the GDPR are used due to the broader geographical application and comprehensibility. In particular, instead of the terms "processing" of "personal data", "overriding interest" and "sensitive personal data" used in the Swiss FADP, the terms "processing" of "personal data", "legitimate interest" and "special categories of data" used in the GDPR are used. However, the legal meaning of the terms will continue to be determined in accordance with the Swiss DPA within the scope of application of the Swiss DPA.
Overview of processing
The following overview summarises the types of data processed and the purposes of their processing and refers to the data subjects.
Types of data processed
Kategorien von betroffenen Personen
Purposes of the processing
Safety measures
We take appropriate technical and organisational measures in accordance with the legal requirements, taking into account the state of the art, the implementation costs and the nature, scope, circumstances and purposes of the processing as well as the different probabilities of occurrence and the extent of the threat to the rights and freedoms of natural persons, in order to ensure a level of protection appropriate to the risk. The measures include, in particular, safeguarding the confidentiality, integrity and availability of data by controlling physical and electronic access to the data as well as the access, input, disclosure, safeguarding of availability and its separation. Furthermore, we have established procedures that ensure the exercise of data subject rights, the deletion of data and responses to data threats. We also take the protection of personal data into account when developing or selecting hardware, software and procedures in accordance with the principle of data protection, through technology design and data protection-friendly default settings.TLS encryption (https): We use TLS encryption to protect your data transmitted via our online offering. You can recognise such encrypted connections by the prefix https:// in the address bar of your browser.
International data transfers
Data processing in third countries: If we process data in a third country (i.e. outside the European Union (EU), the European Economic Area (EEA)) or if the processing takes place in the context of the use of third-party services or the disclosure or transfer of data to other persons, bodies or companies, this will only take place in accordance with the legal requirements. If the level of data protection in the third country has been recognised by means of an adequacy decision (Art. 45 GDPR), this serves as the basis for the data transfer. Otherwise, data will only be transferred if the level of data protection is otherwise ensured, in particular by standard contractual clauses (Art. 46 para. 2 lit. c) GDPR), express consent or in the case of contractual or legally required transfer (Art. 49 para. 1 GDPR). In addition, we will inform you of the basis for third country transfers with the individual providers from the third country, whereby the adequacy decisions take precedence. Information on third country transfers and existing adequacy decisions can be found in the information provided by the EU Commission:

EU-US Trans-Atlantic Data Privacy Framework: As part of the so-called "Data Privacy Framework" (DPF), the EU Commission has also recognised the level of data protection for certain companies from the USA as secure as part of the adequacy decision of 10 July 2023. The list of certified companies and further information on the DPF can be found on the website of the US Department of Commerce at As part of the data protection information, we will inform you which service providers we use are certified under the Data Privacy Framework.
Deletion of data
The data processed by us will be deleted in accordance with the legal requirements as soon as the consents permitted for processing are revoked or other authorisations cease to apply (e.g. if the purpose of processing this data no longer applies or it is not required for the purpose). If the data is not deleted because it is required for other and legally permissible purposes, its processing is restricted to these purposes. This means that the data is blocked and not processed for other purposes. This applies, for example, to data that must be stored for reasons of commercial or tax law or whose storage is necessary for the assertion, exercise or defence of legal claims or to protect the rights of another natural or legal person. Our data protection notices may also contain further information on the storage and deletion of data, which take priority for the respective processing.
Rights of the data subjects
Rights of data subjects under the GDPR: As a data subject, you are entitled to various rights under the GDPR, which arise in particular from Art. 15 to 21 GDPR:
Einsatz von Cookies
Cookies sind kleine Textdateien, bzw. sonstige Speichervermerke, die Informationen auf Endgeräten speichern und Informationen aus den Endgeräten auslesen. Z.B. um den Login-Status in einem Nutzerkonto, einen Warenkorbinhalt in einem E-Shop, die aufgerufenen Inhalte oder verwendete Funktionen eines Onlineangebotes speichern.Cookies können ferner zu unterschiedlichen Zwecken eingesetzt werden, z.B. zu Zwecken der Funktionsfähigkeit, Sicherheit und Komfort von Onlineangeboten sowie der Erstellung von Analysen der Besucherströme.

Eingesetzter   Service   des   Cookie-Managements:

Hinweise zur Einwilligung: Wir setzen Cookies im Einklang mit den gesetzlichen
Vorschriften ein. Daher holen wir von den Nutzern eine vorhergehende Einwilligung ein, außer wenn diese gesetzlich nicht gefordert ist. Eine Einwilligung ist insbesonde-
re nicht notwendig, wenn das Speichern und das Auslesen der Informationen, also
auch von Cookies, unbedingt erforderlich sind, um dem den Nutzern einen von ihnen
ausdrücklich gewünschten Telemediendienst (also unser Onlineangebot) zur Verfü-
gung zu stellen. Zu den unbedingt erforderlichen Cookies gehören in der Regel Coo-
kies mit Funktionen, die der Anzeige und Lauffähigkeit des Onlineangebotes , dem
Lastausgleich, der Sicherheit, der Speicherung der Präferenzen und Auswahlmög-
lichkeiten der Nutzer oder ähnlichen mit der Bereitstellung der Haupt- und Neben-
funktionen des von den Nutzern angeforderten Onlineangebotes zusammenhängen-
den Zwecken dienen. Die widerrufliche Einwilligung wird gegenüber den Nutzern
deutlich kommuniziert und enthält die Informationen zu der jeweiligen Cookie-Nut-

Hinweise zu datenschutzrechtlichen Rechtsgrundlagen: Auf welcher daten-schutzrechtlichen Rechtsgrundlage wir die personenbezogenen Daten der Nutzer mitHilfe von Cookies verarbeiten, hängt davon ab, ob wir Nutzer um eine Einwilligung bitten. Falls die Nutzer einwilligen, ist die Rechtsgrundlage der Verarbeitung Ihrer Daten die erklärte Einwilligung. Andernfalls werden die mithilfe von Cookies verarbei-teten Daten auf Grundlage unserer berechtigten Interessen (z.B. an einem betriebs-wirtschaftlichen Betrieb unseres Onlineangebotes und Verbesserung seiner Nutzbar-keit) verarbeitet oder, wenn dies im Rahmen der Erfüllung unserer vertraglichen Pflichten erfolgt, wenn der Einsatz von Cookies erforderlich ist, um unsere vertragli-chen Verpflichtungen zu erfüllen. Zu welchen Zwecken die Cookies von uns verarbei-tet werden, darüber klären wir im Laufe dieser Datenschutzerklärung oder im Rah-men von unseren Einwilligungs- und Verarbeitungsprozessen auf.

Speicherdauer: Im Hinblick auf die Speicherdauer werden die folgenden Arten von Cookies unterschieden:
Allgemeine Hinweise zum Widerruf und Widerspruch (sog. "Opt-Out"): Nutzer können die von ihnen abgegebenen Einwilligungen jederzeit widerrufen und der Ver-arbeitung entsprechend den gesetzlichen Vorgaben widersprechen. Hierzu können Nutzer unter anderem die Verwendung von Cookies in den Einstellungen ihres Brow-sers einschränken (wobei dadurch auch die Funktionalität unseres Onlineangebotes eingeschränkt sein kann). Ein Widerspruch gegen die Verwendung von Cookies zu Online-Marketing-Zwecken kann auch über die Websites und erklärt werden.
Weitere Hinweise zu Verarbeitungsprozessen, Verfahren und Diensten:
Geschäftliche Leistungen
Wir verarbeiten Daten unserer Vertrags- und Geschäftspartner, z.B. Kunden und In-teressenten (zusammenfassend bezeichnet als "Vertragspartner") im Rahmen von vertraglichen und vergleichbaren Rechtsverhältnissen sowie damit verbundenen Maßnahmen und im Rahmen der Kommunikation mit den Vertragspartnern (oder vorvertraglich), z.B., um Anfragen zu beantworten.

Wir verarbeiten diese Daten, um unsere vertraglichen Verpflichtungen zu erfüllen. Dazu gehören insbesondere die Verpflichtungen zur Erbringung der vereinbarten Leistungen, etwaige Aktualisierungspflichten und Abhilfe bei Gewährleistungs- und sonstigen Leistungsstörungen. Darüber hinaus verarbeiten wir die Daten zur Wah-rung unserer Rechte und zum Zwecke der mit diesen Pflichten verbundenen Verwal-tungsaufgaben sowie der Unternehmensorganisation. Darüber hinaus verarbeiten wirdie Daten auf Grundlage unserer berechtigten Interessen an einer ordnungsgemä-ßen und betriebswirtschaftlichen Geschäftsführung sowie an Sicherheitsmaßnahmenzum Schutz unserer Vertragspartner und unseres Geschäftsbetriebes vor Miss-brauch, Gefährdung ihrer Daten, Geheimnisse, Informationen und Rechte (z.B. zur Beteiligung von Telekommunikations-, Transport- und sonstigen Hilfsdiensten sowie Subunternehmern, Banken, Steuer- und Rechtsberatern, Zahlungsdienstleistern oderFinanzbehörden). Im Rahmen des geltenden Rechts geben wir die Daten von Ver-tragspartnern nur insoweit an Dritte weiter, als dies für die vorgenannten Zwecke oder zur Erfüllung gesetzlicher Pflichten erforderlich ist. Über weitere Formen der Verarbeitung, z.B. zu Marketingzwecken, werden die Vertragspartner im Rahmen dieser Datenschutzerklärung informiert.

Welche Daten für die vorgenannten Zwecke erforderlich sind, teilen wir den Vertrags-partnern vor oder im Rahmen der Datenerhebung, z.B. in Onlineformularen, durch besondere Kennzeichnung (z.B. Farben) bzw. Symbole (z.B. Sternchen o.ä.), oder persönlich mit.

Wir löschen die Daten nach Ablauf gesetzlicher Gewährleistungs- und vergleichbarerPflichten, d.h., grundsätzlich nach Ablauf von 4 Jahren, es sei denn, dass die Daten in einem Kundenkonto gespeichert werden, z.B., solange sie aus gesetzlichen Grün-den der Archivierung aufbewahrt werden müssen. Die gesetzliche Aufbewahrungs-frist beträgt bei steuerrechtlich relevanten Unterlagen sowie bei Handelsbüchern, Inventaren, Eröffnungsbilanzen, Jahresabschlüssen, die zum Verständnis dieser Un-terlagen erforderlichen Arbeitsanweisungen und sonstigen Organisationsunterlagen und Buchungsbelegen zehn Jahre sowie bei empfangenen Handels- und Geschäfts-briefen und Wiedergaben der abgesandten Handels- und Geschäftsbriefe sechs Jah-re. Die Frist beginnt mit Ablauf des Kalenderjahres, in dem die letzte Eintragung in das Buch gemacht, das Inventar, die Eröffnungsbilanz, der Jahresabschluss oder derLagebericht aufgestellt, der Handels- oder Geschäftsbrief empfangen oder abge-sandt worden oder der Buchungsbeleg entstanden ist, ferner die Aufzeichnung vor-genommen worden ist oder die sonstigen Unterlagen entstanden sind.

Soweit wir zur Erbringung unserer Leistungen Drittanbieter oder Plattformen einset-zen, gelten im Verhältnis zwischen den Nutzern und den Anbietern die Geschäfts-bedingungen und Datenschutzhinweise der jeweiligen Drittanbieter oder Plattformen.
Weitere Hinweise zu Verarbeitungsprozessen, Verfahren und Diensten:
Im Rahmen der Geschäftstätigkeit eingesetzte An-bieter und Services
Im Rahmen unserer Geschäftstätigkeit nutzen wir unter Beachtung der gesetzlichen Vorgaben zusätzliche Dienste, Plattformen, Schnittstellen oder Plug-ins von Drittan-bietern (kurz "Dienste"). Deren Nutzung beruht auf unseren Interessen an einer ord-nungsgemäßen, rechtmäßigen und rechtssichern Durchführung unserer Dienstleis-tung.
Bereitstellung des Onlineangebotes und Webhosting
Wir verarbeiten die Daten der Nutzer, um ihnen unsere Online-Dienste zur Verfügungstellen zu können. Zu diesem Zweck verarbeiten wir die IP-Adresse des Nutzers, die notwendig ist, um die Inhalte und Funktionen unserer Online-Dienste an den Browseroder das Endgerät der Nutzer zu übermitteln.
Weitere Hinweise zu Verarbeitungsprozessen, Verfahren und Diensten:
Blogs und Publikationsmedien
Wir nutzen Blogs oder vergleichbare Mittel der Onlinekommunikation und Publikation(nachfolgend "Publikationsmedium"). Die Daten der Leser werden für die Zwecke desPublikationsmediums nur insoweit verarbeitet, als es für dessen Darstellung und die Kommunikation zwischen Autoren und Lesern oder aus Gründen der Sicherheit er-forderlich ist. Im Übrigen verweisen wir auf die Informationen zur Verarbeitung der Besucher unseres Publikationsmediums im Rahmen dieser Datenschutzhinweise.
Kontakt- und Anfragenverwaltung
Bei der Kontaktaufnahme mit uns (z.B. per Post, Kontaktformular, E-Mail, Telefon oder via soziale Medien) sowie im Rahmen bestehender Nutzer- und Geschäftsbe-ziehungen werden die Angaben der anfragenden Personen verarbeitet soweit dies zur Beantwortung der Kontaktanfragen und etwaiger angefragter Maßnahmen erfor-derlich ist.
Weitere Hinweise zu Verarbeitungsprozessen, Verfahren und Diensten:
Newsletter und elektronische Benachrichtigungen
Wir versenden Newsletter, E-Mails und weitere elektronische Benachrichtigungen (nachfolgend "Newsletter“) nur mit der Einwilligung der Empfänger oder einer gesetz-lichen Erlaubnis. Sofern im Rahmen einer Anmeldung zum Newsletter dessen Inhaltekonkret umschrieben werden, sind sie für die Einwilligung der Nutzer maßgeblich. Im Übrigen enthalten unsere Newsletter Informationen zu unseren Leistungen und uns.

Um sich zu unseren Newslettern anzumelden, reicht es grundsätzlich aus, wenn Sie
Ihre E-Mail-Adresse angeben. Wir können Sie jedoch bitten, einen Namen, zwecks persönlicher Ansprache im Newsletter, oder weitere Angaben, sofern diese für die
Zwecke des Newsletters erforderlich sind, zu tätigen.

Double-Opt-In-Verfahren: Die Anmeldung zu unserem Newsletter erfolgt grundsätz-lich in einem sogenannten Double-Opt-In-Verfahren. D.h., Sie erhalten nach der An-meldung eine E-Mail, in der Sie um die Bestätigung Ihrer Anmeldung gebeten wer-den. Diese Bestätigung ist notwendig, damit sich niemand mit fremden E-Mail-Adres-sen anmelden kann. Die Anmeldungen zum Newsletter werden protokolliert, um den Anmeldeprozess entsprechend den rechtlichen Anforderungen nachweisen zu kön-nen. Hierzu gehört die Speicherung des Anmelde- und des Bestätigungszeitpunkts als auch der IP-Adresse. Ebenso werden die Änderungen Ihrer bei dem Versand-dienstleister gespeicherten Daten protokolliert.

Löschung und Einschränkung der Verarbeitung: Wir können die ausgetragenen E-Mail-Adressen bis zu drei Jahren auf Grundlage unserer berechtigten Interessen speichern, bevor wir sie löschen, um eine ehemals gegebene Einwilligung nachwei-sen zu können. Die Verarbeitung dieser Daten wird auf den Zweck einer möglichen Abwehr von Ansprüchen beschränkt. Ein individueller Löschungsantrag ist jederzeit möglich, sofern zugleich das ehemalige Bestehen einer Einwilligung bestätigt wird. Im Fall von Pflichten zur dauerhaften Beachtung von Widersprüchen behalten wir uns die Speicherung der E-Mail-Adresse alleine zu diesem Zweck in einer Sperrliste (sogenannte "Blocklist") vor.

Die Protokollierung des Anmeldeverfahrens erfolgt auf Grundlage unserer berechtig-ten Interessen zu Zwecken des Nachweises seines ordnungsgemäßen Ablaufs. So-weit wir einen Dienstleister mit dem Versand von E-Mails beauftragen, erfolgt dies auf Grundlage unserer berechtigten Interessen an einem effizienten und sicheren Versandsystem.
Informationen zu uns, unseren Leistungen, Aktionen und Angeboten.
Weitere Hinweise zu Verarbeitungsprozessen, Verfahren und Diensten:
Werbliche Kommunikation via E-Mail, Post, Fax oderTelefon
Wir verarbeiten personenbezogene Daten zu Zwecken der werblichen Kommunikati-on, die über diverse Kanäle, wie z.B. E-Mail, Telefon, Post oder Fax, entsprechend den gesetzlichen Vorgaben erfolgen kann.

Die Empfänger haben das Recht, erteilte Einwilligungen jederzeit zu widerrufen oder der werblichen Kommunikation jederzeit zu widersprechen.

Nach Widerruf oder Widerspruch speichern wir die zum Nachweis der bisherigen Be-rechtigung erforderlichen Daten zur Kontaktaufnahme oder Zusendung bis zu drei Jahre nach Ablauf des Jahres des Widerrufs oder Widerspruchs auf der Grundlage unserer berechtigten Interessen. Die Verarbeitung dieser Daten ist auf den Zweck einer möglichen Abwehr von Ansprüchen beschränkt. Auf der Grundlage des berech-tigten Interesses, den Widerruf bzw. Widerspruch der Nutzer dauerhaft zu beachten, speichern wir ferner die zur Vermeidung einer erneuten Kontaktaufnahme erforderli-chen Daten (z.B. je nach Kommunikationskanal die E-Mail-Adresse, Telefonnummer,Name).
Webanalyse, Monitoring und Optimierung
Die Webanalyse (auch als "Reichweitenmessung" bezeichnet) dient der Auswertung der Besucherströme unseres Onlineangebotes und kann Verhalten, Interessen oder demographische Informationen zu den Besuchern, wie z.B. das Alter oder das Ge-schlecht, als pseudonyme Werte umfassen. Mit Hilfe der Reichweitenanalyse könnenwir z.B. erkennen, zu welcher Zeit unser Onlineangebot oder dessen Funktionen oder Inhalte am häufigsten genutzt werden oder zur Wiederverwendung einladen. Ebenso können wir nachvollziehen, welche Bereiche der Optimierung bedürfen.

Neben der Webanalyse können wir auch Testverfahren einsetzen, um z.B. unter-schiedliche Versionen unseres Onlineangebotes oder seiner Bestandteile zu testen und optimieren.

Sofern nachfolgend nicht anders angegeben, können zu diesen Zwecken Profile, d.h.zu einem Nutzungsvorgang zusammengefasste Daten angelegt und Informationen ineinem Browser, bzw. in einem Endgerät gespeichert und aus diesem ausgelesen werden. Zu den erhobenen Angaben gehören insbesondere besuchte Webseiten und dort genutzte Elemente sowie technische Angaben, wie der verwendete Brow-ser, das verwendete Computersystem sowie Angaben zu Nutzungszeiten. Sofern Nutzer in die Erhebung ihrer Standortdaten uns gegenüber oder gegenüber den An-bietern der von uns eingesetzten Dienste einverstanden erklärt haben, können auch Standortdaten verarbeitet werden.

Es werden ebenfalls die IP-Adressen der Nutzer gespeichert. Jedoch nutzen wir ein IP-Masking-Verfahren (d.h., Pseudonymisierung durch Kürzung der IP-Adresse) zumSchutz der Nutzer. Generell werden die im Rahmen von Webanalyse, A/B-Testings und Optimierung keine Klardaten der Nutzer (wie z.B. E-Mail-Adressen oder Namen) gespeichert, sondern Pseudonyme. D.h., wir als auch die Anbieter der eingesetzten Software kennen nicht die tatsächliche Identität der Nutzer, sondern nur den für Zwe-cke der jeweiligen Verfahren in deren Profilen gespeicherten Angaben.
Weitere Hinweise zu Verarbeitungsprozessen, Verfahren und Diensten:
Präsenzen in sozialen Netzwerken (Social Media)
Wir unterhalten Onlinepräsenzen innerhalb sozialer Netzwerke und verarbeiten in diesem Rahmen Daten der Nutzer, um mit den dort aktiven Nutzern zu kommunizie-ren oder um Informationen über uns anzubieten.

Wir weisen darauf hin, dass dabei Daten der Nutzer außerhalb des Raumes der Eu-ropäischen Union verarbeitet werden können. Hierdurch können sich für die Nutzer Risiken ergeben, weil so z.B. die Durchsetzung der Rechte der Nutzer erschwert werden könnte.

Ferner werden die Daten der Nutzer innerhalb sozialer Netzwerke im Regelfall für Marktforschungs- und Werbezwecke verarbeitet. So können z.B. anhand des Nut-zungsverhaltens und sich daraus ergebender Interessen der Nutzer Nutzungsprofile erstellt werden. Die Nutzungsprofile können wiederum verwendet werden, um z.B. Werbeanzeigen innerhalb und außerhalb der Netzwerke zu schalten, die mutmaßlichden Interessen der Nutzer entsprechen. Zu diesen Zwecken werden im Regelfall Cookies auf den Rechnern der Nutzer gespeichert, in denen das Nutzungsverhalten und die Interessen der Nutzer gespeichert werden. Ferner können in den Nutzungs-profilen auch Daten unabhängig der von den Nutzern verwendeten Geräte gespei-chert werden (insbesondere, wenn die Nutzer Mitglieder der jeweiligen Plattformen sind und bei diesen eingeloggt sind).

Für eine detaillierte Darstellung der jeweiligen Verarbeitungsformen und der Wider-spruchsmöglichkeiten (Opt-Out) verweisen wir auf die Datenschutzerklärungen und Angaben der Betreiber der jeweiligen Netzwerke.

Auch im Fall von Auskunftsanfragen und der Geltendmachung von Betroffenenrech-ten weisen wir darauf hin, dass diese am effektivsten bei den Anbietern geltend ge-macht werden können. Nur die Anbieter haben jeweils Zugriff auf die Daten der Nut-zer und können direkt entsprechende Maßnahmen ergreifen und Auskünfte geben. Sollten Sie dennoch Hilfe benötigen, dann können Sie sich an uns wenden.
Weitere Hinweise zu Verarbeitungsprozessen, Verfahren und Diensten:
Plugins und eingebettete Funktionen sowie Inhalte
Wir binden in unser Onlineangebot Funktions- und Inhaltselemente ein, die von den Servern ihrer jeweiligen Anbieter (nachfolgend bezeichnet als "Drittanbieter”) bezo-gen werden. Dabei kann es sich zum Beispiel um Grafiken, Videos oder Stadtpläne handeln (nachfolgend einheitlich bezeichnet als "Inhalte”).

Die Einbindung setzt immer voraus, dass die Drittanbieter dieser Inhalte die IP-Adresse der Nutzer verarbeiten, da sie ohne die IP-Adresse die Inhalte nicht an de-ren Browser senden könnten. Die IP-Adresse ist damit für die Darstellung dieser In-halte oder Funktionen erforderlich. Wir bemühen uns, nur solche Inhalte zu verwen-den, deren jeweilige Anbieter die IP-Adresse lediglich zur Auslieferung der Inhalte verwenden. Drittanbieter können ferner sogenannte Pixel-Tags (unsichtbare Grafi-ken, auch als "Web Beacons" bezeichnet) für statistische oder Marketingzwecke ver-wenden. Durch die "Pixel-Tags" können Informationen, wie der Besucherverkehr auf den Seiten dieser Webseite, ausgewertet werden. Die pseudonymen Informationen können ferner in Cookies auf dem Gerät der Nutzer gespeichert werden und unter anderem technische Informationen zum Browser und zum Betriebssystem, zu ver-weisenden Webseiten, zur Besuchszeit sowie weitere Angaben zur Nutzung unseresOnlineangebotes enthalten als auch mit solchen Informationen aus anderen Quellen verbunden werden.
Weitere Hinweise zu Verarbeitungsprozessen, Verfahren und Diensten:
Erstellt mit kostenlosem von Dr. Thomas Schwenke
Privacy preferences
These items are used to deliver advertising that is more relevant to you and interests. They may also be used to limit the number of times you see an advertisement and measure the effectiveness of advertising campaigns. Advertising networks usually place them with the website operator's permission.
These items allow website to remember choices you make (such as your user name, language, or the region you are in)and provide enhanced, more personal features. For example, a website may provide you wiith local weather reports or traffic news by storing data about your current location.
These items help the website operator understand how its website performs, how visitors interact with the site, and whether there may be technical issues. This storage type usually doesn't collect information that identifies a visitor
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